• SPRING 27 APRIL 2024
Ka Jingshai

From Ice Cream to Endorphins:

When we fail to differentiate between pleasurable life and a good life, seeking dopamine-based....

Ka Jingshai

रामकथा में शूर्पणखा

रामायण भारतीय अस्मिता का अनूठा ग्रंथ है। रामायण शब्द बाल्मीकि की निजी उ‌द्भावना है। आदिकवि की आर्ष भावना के अनुसार रामायण...

Ka Jingshai

U Ramhah The Giant

All through the ages the world has revelled in tales of the incomparable prowess and the unri-valled strength and stature of great and distin-guished men whom we have learned to call giants....

 Ka Jingshai

Ka Sharak ka Jingshai Ka Snong Sohbar

“Na khap rithor ki khlaw barben Ban peit I kumba shong laren Hangta weibriew b’u iaid khlem sangeh Sharak ha kti sawdong u tbeh Ki sngi, ki bnai, ki snem ki ïaid...

Ka Jingshai

श्रदेय स्वामी सर्वगतानन्द

पाठकों को शायद स्मरण होगा (या न भी होगा, क्यों कि ‘कि जिंग्शेई/ज्योति की वह संख्या प्रकाशित हो कर अब छः महीने बीत चुके हैं) कि पिछली...

Ka Jingshai

Power of Now

is a A clock made of acrylic paintings on 2-inch wide wood slices. The clock begins with dawn, goes to noon, then to dusk and into the night...

Ka Jingshai
Ka Jingshai